Wednesday 4 May 2011

Artists & Muses

Artists & Muses
Artists & Muses

As one of the most distinctive voices to emerge in fashion photography in recent years, Chadwick Tyler has always captivated us with his work. His intimate and raw style showcases the vulnerability of his subjects without stripping them of their power. His focus on the model as a muse and collaborator makes us all the more excited for his newest project, an oversized monograph that follows a select group of models as they evolve over the course of a year. Documenting each girl via personal images and emotive portraits, Tyler reveals the inner life of young women on the brink of self-discovery.
The project is set to debut in full in the fall of next year, complete with gallery showings and separate books for each girl, but keep an eye open for compelling previews like these 2 images of Anais Pouliot. The relationship between models and photographers is one of the most important bonds in photography; with the right combination of trust, respect and artistry from both parties, great moments can happen. Who can forget the iconic images of Kate Moss by Corrine Day, or Guinevere van Seenus by Paolo Roversi; when the right model and the right photographer collaborate, the pictures speak for themselves.

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